Contact Us

Please use the contact information below to connect with a specific office or department that can best meet your needs.

Contact Us

It is important to us to be available to our partners, potential grantees, and the public, we will make sure to do our best to get back to you.
Mailing address
198/18Siriwimal Gardens, Nawala Road. Nawala, Western 11222 LK
(077) 453 1213
Mailing address
198/18Siriwimal Gardens, Nawala Road. Nawala, Western 11222 LK

Media inquiries and partnership related information

Note: If you are a member of the news media, please use the phone number or email address below to leave a detailed message. Include your name, press affiliation, phone number, questions, and deadline.
(077) 453 1213

For membership information

We'd love to have you make a difference with us at OAPF
Wg Cdr Chamila Kahandakoralage
Membership Drive Secretary
(077) 200 1078

For donations and fundraising  related information

(0094) 77 736 2606
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The finest Old Anandian professionals united under one roof, shaping the nation's future and empowering every child's potential.